Weekly Plan

Course number-A105

Thursday: 8:35-10:15 AM

Week 1- April-18- Introduction about the course and get acquainted with the students/コースの紹介と生徒との交流

Week 2- April -25- Plant and Plant Cells/植物および植物細胞

Week 3- May-2- (Monday-Thursday class) Plant Cell organelles-1/植物細胞オルガネラ-1

Week 4- May 9- Plant Cell organelles-2/植物細胞オルガネラ-2 (Take Home Exam-1)/ (課題-1)

Week 5- May-16- Cell cytoskeleton, Cell division-1/細胞骨格、細胞分裂-1 

Week 6- May-23- Cell cytoskeleton, Cell division-2/ 細胞骨格、細胞分裂-2

Week 7- May-30- Water and Solute transport /水と溶質の輸送

Week 8- June-6- Photosynthesis-1/光合成-1 (Take-home exam -2)/(課題-2)

Week 9- June-13- Photosynthesis-2/光合成-2 Review class/レビュークラス

Week 10- June-20- Genetics-1/遺伝学-1  (Take Home Exam-3)/ (課題-3)

Week 11-June-27- Genetics-2/遺伝学-2

Week 12- July-4- Group Presentation on GMO/遺伝子組み換え作物に関するグループプレゼンテーション

Week 13-July-11- Review class/レビュークラス/Feedback on presentation/発表に関するフィードバック

Week 14-July-18- No Class/休み

Week 15-July-25- Summarized Final exam /まとめた最終試験


Grading Format:

50% from Midterm take home exams, presentation, and class attendance

50% from final exam