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研究業績 発行物 イベント情報 担当講義科目
掲示板 サイトマップ リンク お問い合わせ

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1 Kuzumaki, T.; Matsuda, A.; Ito, K. and Ishikawa, K.(1996)
Cell adhesion to substratum and activation of tyrosine kinases are essentially required for G1/S phase transition in BALB/c 3T3 fibroblasts.
Biochim. Biophys. Acta, 1310(2): 185-192.
2 Kanda, K.; Sato, T.; Suzuki, K.; Ishi, S.; Ejiri, S. and Enei, H.(1996)
Relationships between tyrosinase activity and gill browning during preservation of Lentinus edodes fruit-bodies.
Biosci. Biotech. Biochem., 60: 479-480.
3 Kanda, K.; Sato, t.; Ishi, S.; Enei, H. and Ejiri, S.(1996)
Purification and properties of tyrosinase isozymes from the gill of Letinus edodes fruit-body.
Biosci. Biotech. Biochem., 60: 1273-1278.
4 Nakamura, H.; Satoh, W.; Hidaka, S.; Kagaya, Y.; Ejiri, S. and Tsutsumi, K.(1996)
Genomic structure of the rice aldolase isozyme C-1 gene and its regulation through a protein kinase-phosphatase pathway.
Plant Mol. Biol., 30: 381-385.
5 Ikeda, K.; Inoue, S.; Orimo, A.; Sano, M.; Watanabe, T.; Tsutsumi, K. and Muramatsu, M.(1997)
Multiple regulatory elements and binding proteins of the 5'-flanking region of the human estrogen-responsive finger protein (efp) gene.
Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun., 236: 765-771.
6 Zhao, Y.; Miyagi, S.; Kikawada, T. and Tsutsumi, K.(1997)
Sequencerequirement for replication initiation at the rat aldolase B locus implicated in its functional correlation with transcriptional regulation.
Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun., 237: 707-713.
7 Kim, S.-Y.; Takahashi, J.; Tsutsumi, K. and Yasuda, Y.(1997)
Function of the myogenin gene promoter in the muscular dystrophic transgenic dy/dy mouse.
J. Rep. Dev., 43: 39-46.
8 Ikeda, K.; Tsutsumi, K.; Kimura, S.; Ejiri, S.; Takahashi, J. and Yasuda, Y.(1997)
Molecular cloning of a bovine minisatellite DNA homologous to mouse minisatellite.
Anim. Sci. Technol., 68: 293-296.
9 Nakamura, H.; Tokairin, Y. Tamayama, A.; Kon, S.; Hidaka, S.; Ejiri, S. and Tsutsumi, K.(1997)
Cell type- and positionally specific regulation of the aldolase P gene expression in rice seedlings.
Biosci. Biotech. Biochem., 61: 256-262.

1 堤賢一(1996)
理工学辞典(東京理科大学編), 日刊工業新聞社刊. ※分担執筆
2 伊藤菊一(1996)
理工学辞典(東京理科大学編), 日刊工業新聞社刊. ※分担執筆

1 木藤新一郎(1997)
細胞育種実験施設フォーラム, No.7: 28-33.
2 江尻愼一郎(1997)
細胞育種実験施設フォーラム, No.7: 34-40
3 伊藤菊一(1997)
Gordon Research Conferenceに出席して.
細胞育種実験施設フォーラム, No.7: 41-45

1 Honnami, M.; Itagaki, T.; Tsutsumi, K. and Ito, K.(1997)
Mitochondrial DNA polymorphism in triploid Japanese Fasciola sp.
第66回日本寄生虫学会 Parasitology International. 46(Suppl.): 76. (1997/4/3-5, 千葉)
2 Tsutsumi, K.(1997)
Structure and function of a replication origin emcompassing a transcription promoter.
International Conference on Gene Therapy and Molecular Biology. (1997/8/16-24, Heraklion, Greece)
3 Ito, K.; Kikawada, T.; Miyagi, S.; Zhao, Y. and Tsutsumi, K.(1997)
Chromosomal state of an eukaryotic replication origin that contains cell type-specific transcription promoter.
International Conference on Gene Therapy and Molecular Biology. (1997/8/16-24, Heraklion, Greece)
4 宮城聡, 黄川田智洋, 趙雲鵬, 堤賢一(1997)
第70回日本生化学会大会. 生化学, 69(7): 579. (1997/9/22-25, 金沢)
5 上家勝芳, 平秀晴, 小林浩明, 木藤新一郎, 江尻愼一郎(1997)
第70回日本生化学会大会. 生化学, 69(7): 878. (1997/9/22-25, 金沢)
6 黄川田智洋, 宮城聡, 趙雲鵬, 堤賢一(1997)
第127回日本農芸化学会東北支部会. 日本農芸化学会誌, 72: 130.
7 Zhao, Y.(1997)
Studies on eukaryotic DNA replication.
Symposium on international research exchange, Center for Cooperative Research and Development Iwate University, Morioka, Japan.
8 Miyagi, S.; Kikawada, T.; Zhao, Y. and Tsutsumi, K.(1997)
Structural and functional analysis of initiation region of replication at the rat aldolase B locus.
Workshop on DNA Replication and Chromosome Partition, Kazusa Academia Park, Japan.
9 上家勝芳, 平秀晴, 小林浩明, 木藤新一郎, 江尻愼一郎(1997)
第20回日本分子生物学会. 講演要旨集: 352. (1997/12/16-19, 京都)

1 伊藤菊一(1997)
第3回若手研究者セミナー「組織特異性と遺伝子発現」 (1997/6月, 県立農業大学校, 金ヶ崎)
2 江尻愼一郎(1997)
岩手大学公開講座 (1997/9月, 岩手大学附属農業資料館, 盛岡)
3 Ejiri, S.(1997)
Agricultural Biotechnology in Japan: Research and Education.
米国パデュー大学との研究交流記念シンポジウム 1997/9月, 岩手大学農学部, 盛岡)

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