Cryobiosystem Research Center |
>2002 | [ ←BACK(2001) | 2002 | NEXT(2003)→ ] |
○Journal | |
1 | Wang, Y.; Tamura, K.; Saitoh, Y.; Sato, T.; Hidaka, S. and Tsutsumi, K.(2002) Mapping major replication origins on the rice plastid DNA. Plant Biotech., 19: 27-35. |
2 | Ejiri, S.(2002) Moonlighting functions of polypeptide elongation factor 1: From actin bundling to zinc finger protein R1-associated nuclear localization. Biosci. Biotech. Biochem. 66: 1-21. (Summary) |
3 | Kamiie, K.; Nomura, Y.; Kobayashi, S.; Taira, H.; Kobayashi, K.; Matsuzawa, H.; Yamashita, T.; Kidou, S. and Ejiri, S.(2002) Cloning and expression of silk gland elongation factor 1γ in Escherichia coli. Biosci. Biotech. Biochem. 66: 558-565. (Summary) |
4 | Saitoh, Y.; Miyagi, S.; Ariga, H. and Tsutsumi, K.(2002) Functional domains involved in the interaction between Orc1 and transcriptional repressor AlF-C that bind to an origin/promotor of the rat aldlase B gene. Nucleic Acids Res., 30: 5205-5212. (Summary) |
5 | Wang, Y.; Saitoh, Y.; Hidaka, S.; Sato, T. and Tsutsumi, K.(2002) Replication of plastid DNA. Recent Res. Devel. Plant Biol. 2: 33-48. (Summary) |
6 | Yoshino, M.; Kanazawa, A.; Tsutsumi, K.; Nakamura, I.; Takahashi, K. and Shimamoto Y.(2002) Structural Variation Around the Gene Encoding the α Subunit of Soybean β-Conglycinin and Correlation with the Expression of the α Subunit. Breeding Science, 52: 285-292. (Summary) |
7 | Kato, K.; Kidou, S.; Miura, H. and Sagawa, S.(2002) Molecular cloning of the wheat CK2α gene and detection of its linkage with Vrn-A1 on chromosome 5A. Theor. Appl. Genet., 104: 1071-1077. (Summary) |
8 | Kawamura, Y. and Uemura, M.(2002) Changes in the plasma membrane from Arabidopsis thaliana within 1 week of cold acclimation. In: Plant Cold Hardiness: Gene Regulation and Genetic Engineering, P.H. Li and E.T. Palva, eds., Plenum Press, New York, pp.181-194. (Summary) |
○Presentation | |
1 | Niino, T.; Tanaka, D.; Ichikawa, S.; Takano, J.; Ivette, S.; Shirata, K. and Uemura, M.(2002) Cryopreservation of in vitro grown apical shoot tips of strawberry by vitrification: technical key factors enhancing survival rate. 39th Meeting of the Society for Cryobiology. Cryobiology, 45: 267. (2002/7/27-8/1, Breckenridge, Co, USA.) |
2 | Tanaka, D.; Niino, T.; Isuzugawa, K.; Hikage, T. and Uemura, M.(2002) Cryopreservation of in vitro grown apical shoot tips of Gentiana by vitrification-based protocols. 39th Meeting of the Society for Cryobiology. Cryobiology, 45: 268. (2002/7/27-8/1, Breckenridge, Co, USA.) |
3 | Ito, T. and Ito, K.(2002) Chaotic behavior in the core temperature of the spadix of Asian skunk cabbage. Plant Biology 2002. Abstract #101. (2002/8/3-7, Denver, Co, USA.) |
4 | Kawamura, Y. and Uemura, M.(2002) Mass spectroscopic identification of plasma membrane proteins in Arabidopsis thaliana that change within 1week of cold acclimation. Plant Biology 2002. Abstract #642. (2002/8/3-7, Denver, Co, USA.) |
5 | Ito, K. and Seymour, R. S.(2002) Isolation of a gene encoding uncoupling protein from the thermogenic inflorescence of the dead horse arum Helicodiceros muscivorus. Plant Biology 2002. Abstract #652. (2002/8/3-7, Denver, Co, USA.) |
6 | Kawamura, Y. and Uemura, M.(2002) Mass spectroscopic identification of plasma membrane proteins in Arabidopsis thaliana that change during 1 week of cold acclimation. Plant Biology 2002. Abstract #11002. (2002/8/3-7, Denver, Co, USA.) |
7 | Ito, K.(2002) Characterization of the temperature sensor which regulates heat production in skunk cabbage, Symplocarpus foetidus. Special Seminar. (Purdue University, USA.) |
○Recive | |
1 | Tanaka, D.; Niino, T.; Isuzugawa, K.; Hikage, T.; Uemura, M.(2002) 2nd Best Poster Award Cryo92. (Brookenridge, USA.) |