Cryobiosystem Research Center |
| >Uemura |
Division of Biosystem and Bioresource Technology
Matsuo UEMURA | |
Specialty:Plant Physiology, Environmental Biology, Cryobiology | |
Research Interests: Mechanisms of cold acclimation and freezing injury in plants. Role of plasma membrane in cold-responce of plants. Biosynthesis of plant plasma membrane. |
○Journal | ||
2005 | 7 | Tominaga, Y.; Nakagawara, C.; Kawamura, Y. and Uemura, M. (2005) Effect of plasma membrane-associated proteins on acquisition of freezing tolerance in Arabidopsis thaliana. Advances in Plant Cold Hardiness: Molecular Genetics and Transgenics (T.H.H. Chen, S. Fujikawa, M. Uemura, eds.), CABI, London, in press. |
6 | Wagatsuma, T.; Rao, I.M.; Wenzl, P.; Khan, M.S.H.; Tawaraya, K.; Igarashi, K.; Murayama, T.; Kawamura, T.; Ishikawa, S. and Uemura, M.(2005) The plasma membrane lipid bilayer plays a key role in high level Al resistance in signalgrass (Brachiaria decumbens): a new feature of Al resistance. In: Plant Nutrition for Food Security, Human Health and Environmental Protection (C.J. Li, F.S. Zhang, A. Dobermann, P. Hinsinger, H. Lambers, X.L. Li, P. Marschner, L. Maene, S. McGrath, O. Oenema, S.B. Peng, Z. Rengel, Q.S. Shen, R. Welch, N. von Wiren, X.L. Yan, Y.G. Zhu, eds.), Tsunghua University Press, Beijing, pp.650-651. | |
5 | Koide, S., Atungulu, G., Uemura, M. and Nishiyama, M.(2005) Mechanical properties and viability of Japanese radish cylinders immersed in sodium chloride solutions. Biosystems Engineering 92: 335-340. (Summary) | |
4 | Wagatsuma, T.; Ishikawa, S.; Uemura, M.; Mitsuhashi, W.; Kawamura, T.; Khan, Md. S. H. and Tawaraya, K.(2005) Plasma membrane lipids are the powerful components for early stage aluminum tolerance in triticale. Soil Science and Plant Nutrition 51: 701-704. (Summary) | |
3 | Sakurai, J.; Ishikawa, F.; Yamaguchi, T.; Uemura, M. and Maeshima, M.(2005) Identification of 33 rice aquaporin genes and analysis of their expression and function. Plant & Cell Physiology 46:1568-1577. (Summary) | |
2 | Wagatsuma, T.; Uemura, M.; Mitsuhashi, W.; Maeshima, M,; Ishikawa, S.; Kawamura, T.; Maruyama, T.; Shiono, Y.; Khan, Md. S. H. and Tawaraya, K.(2005) A new and simple technique for the isolation of plasma membrane lipids from root-tips. Soil Science and Plant Nutrition 51: 135-139. (Summary) | |
1 | Sarker, B. C.; Hara, M. and Uemura, M.(2005) Proline synthesis, physiological responses and biomass yield of eggplants during and after repetitive soil moisture stress. Scientia Horticulturae 103: 387-402. (Summary) | |
2004 | 5 | Sarker, B. C.; Hara, M. and Uemura, M.(2004) Comparison of response of two C3 species to leaf water relation, praline synthesis, gas exchange and water use under periodic water stress. Journal of Plant Biology, 47: 33-41.(Summary) |
4 | Tanaka, N.; Fujita, M.; Handa, H.; Murayama, S.; Uemura, M.; Kawamura, Y.; Mitsui, T.; Mikami, S.; Tozawa, Y.; Yoshinaga, T. and Komatsu, S.(2004) Proteomics of the rice cell: systematic identification of the protein populations in subcellular compartments. Molecular, Genetics and Genomics, 271: 566-576.(Summary) | |
3 | Kamata, T. and Uemura, M.(2004) Solute accumulation in wheat seedlings during cold acclimation: contribution to increased freezing tolerance. CryoLetters, 25: 311-322.(Summary) | |
2 | Tanaka, D.; Niino, T.; Isuzugawa, K.; Hikage, T. and Uemura, M.(2004) Cryopreservation of shoot apices of in-vitro grown Gentian plants: comparison of vitrification and encapsulation-vitrification protocols. CryoLetters, 25: 167-176.(Summary) | |
1 | Ito, K.; Ito, T.; Onda, Y. and Uemura, M.(2004) Temperature-triggered periodical thermogenic oscillations in skunk cabbage (Symplocarpus foetidus). Plant Cell Physiol., 45: 257-264. (Summary) | |
2003 | 5 | Niino, T.; Tanaka, D.;Ichikawa, S.; Takano, J.; Ivette, S.; Shirata, K. and Uemura, M.(2003) Cryopreservation of in vitro-grown apical shoot tips of strawberry by vitrification. Plant Biotechnology, 20: 75-80. (Summary) |
4 | Kawamura, Y. and Uemura, M.(2003) Mass spectrometric approach for identifying putative plasma membrane proteins of Arabidopsis leaves associated with cold acclimation. Plant Journal, 36: 141-154. (Summary) | |
3 | Uemura, M. and Steponkus, P. L.(2003) Modification of the intracellular sugar content alters the incidence of freeze-induced membrane lesions of protoplasts isolated from Arabidopsis thaliana leaves. Plant, Cell and Environment, 26: 1083-1096. (Summary) | |
2 | Ito, K.; Onda, Y.; Sato, T.; Abe, Y. and Uemura, M.(2003) Structural requirements for the perception of ambient tempereture signals in homeothermic heat production of skunk cabbage (Symplocarpus foetidus). Plant, Cell and Environment, 26: 783-789. (Summary) | |
1 | Uemura, M.; Warren, G. and Steponkus, P. L.(2003) Freezing sensitivity in the sfr4 mutant of Arabidopsis thaliana is due to sucrose deficiency, and is manifested by loss of osmotic responsiveness. Plant Physiology, 131: 1800-1807. (Summary) | |
2002 | 1 | Kawamura, Y. and Uemura, M.(2002) Changes in the plasma membrane from Arabidopsis thaliana within 1 week of cold acclimation. In: Plant Cold Hardiness: Gene Regulation and Genetic Engineering, P.H. Li and E.T. Palva, eds., Plenum Press, New York, pp.181-194. (Summary) |
2001 | 1 | Uemura, M.(2001) Ten years with Peter L. Steponkus: our collaboration on plant cold hardiness and membrane cryostability. CryoLetters, 22: 341-352. |
1999 | 2 | Steponkus, P. L. and Uemura, M.(1999) The quest to elucidate the role of the COR genes and polypeptides in the cold acclimation process. In: Plant Responses to Environmental Stress (D Bowles, M Smallwood, eds), Bios Scientific, Oxford, pp. 87-98. |
1 | Uemura, M. and Steponkus, P. L.(1999) Cold acclimation in plants: Relationship between the lipid composition and the cryostability of the plasma membrane. J. Plant Res., 112: 245-254. |
○Presentation | ||
2006 | 2 | Minami, A., Y. Kawamura and M. Uemura(2006) Expression analysis of proteins localized in detergent-resistant plasma membrane microdomains in association with plant cold acclimation. Keystone Symposium on Lipid Rafts and Cell Function(2006/3/23-28, Steamboat Springs, Colorado, USA) |
1 | Moustafa, Y. and M. Uemura(2006) Physiological and molecular responses of cultivated and wild tomato plants under chilling stress. International Symposium on Tomato Genome Research in Tsukuba(2006/2/4-5, Tsukuba, Japan) | |
2005 | 6 | Saruyama, H. and Uemura, M.(2005) Transgenic rice plants overexpressing wheat catalase show improved tolerance against chilling-induced damage in membranes. The 10th International congress of SABRAO. (2005/8/22-23, Tsukuba, Japan.) |
5 | Tanaka, D.; Niino, T.; Tsuchiya, Y. and Uemura, M.(2005) Cryopreservation of in-vitro grown shoot tips of currant by encapsulation-vitrification protocol. The 10th International congress of SABRAO. (2005/8/22-23, Tsukuba, Japan.) | |
4 | Tanaka, D.; Niino, T.; Uemura, M. and Fujikawa, S.(2005) Ultrastructural evidence for the effects of rapid cooling on meristematic cells of monocotyledonous plant by the encapsulation-vitrification protocol using cryo-scanning electron microscopy. The 42nd Meeting of the Society for Cryobiology. (2005/7/24-27, St. Paul, MN, USA.) | |
3 | Sasaki, Y.; Takahashi, K.; Oono, Y.; Seki, M.; Shinozaki, K. and Uemura, M.(2005) Induction of freezing tolerance of Arabidopsis suspension cells after cold or ABA treatment. Plant Biology 2005. (2005/7/16-20, Seattle, WA, USA.) | |
2 | Sasaki, Y.; Yoshida, R.; Shinozaki, K.; Seki, M.; Oono, Y. and Uemura, M.(2005) Characterization of cold acclimation process in Arabidopsis T87 suspension cultured cells. Gordon Research Conference on Temperature Stresses in Plants. (2005/1/30-2/4, Ventura, CA, USA.) | |
1 | Uemura, M.(2005) Plasma membrane protein changes during cold acclimation. Gordon Research Conference on Temperature Stresses in Plants. (2005/1/30-2/4, Ventura, CA, USA.) | |
2004 | 7 | 上村松生(2004) Plasma Membrane Proteins as a Factor to Determine Freezing Tolerance in Plants. Marquette University Department of Biology Seminar. (Milwaukee, WI, USA.) |
6 | Saruyama, H.; Onodera, H. and Uemura, M.(2004) The transgenic rice plants expressing wheat catalase shows improved tolerance against chilling-induced damage in membranes. The World Rice Research Conference 2004. (2004/11/5-7, Tsukuba, Japan.) | |
5 | Saruyama, H.; Onodera, H. and Uemura, M.(2004) Expression of wheat catalase in the transgenic rice plants reduces chilling-induced damage to membranes. 7th International Plant Cold Hardiness Seminar. (2004/7/10-15, Sapporo, Japan.) | |
4 | Tominaga, Y.; Nakagawara, C. and Uemura, M.(2004) Effect of plasma membrane-associated proteins on acquisition of freezing tolerance in Arabidopsis thaliana. 7th International Plant Cold Hardiness Seminar. (2004/7/10-15, Sapporo, Japan.) | |
3 | Tanaka, D.; Fujikawa,S.; Niino, T. and Uemura, M.(2004) Ultrastructural observation of plant shoot apices under liquid nitrogen in the vitrification protocol using Cryo-SEM and TEM combined with non-aqueous freeze-substitution method. 7th International Plant Cold Hardiness Seminar. (2004/7/10-15, Sapporo, Japan.) | |
2 | Kamata, T. and Uemura, M.(2004) Subcellular localization of the compatible solutes in wheat seedlings during the first- and second-phase of cold hardening: comparisons among cultivars with different freezing tolerance. 7th International Plant Cold Hardiness Seminar. (2004/7/10-15, Sapporo, Japan.) | |
1 | Sasaki, Y.; Yoshida, R.; Shinozaki, K. and Uemura, M.(2004) Temporary increase in freezing tolerance of Arabidopsis T87 suspension cultured cells during cold acclimation. 7th International Plant Cold Hardiness Seminar. (2004/7/10-15, Sapporo, Japan.) | |
2003 | 5 | Kamata, T. and Uemura, M.(2003) Changes in subcellular localization of the compatible solutes during the first- and second-phase of cold hardening in wheat. 1st Hitsujigaoka Workshop. Abstract: p.39. (2003/8/26-27, Sapporo, Japan.) |
4 | Tominaga, Y.; Nakagawara, C. and Uemura, M.(2003) Characterization of the genes encoding plasma membrane proteins responsive to cold acclimation in Arabidopsis thaliana. 1st Hitsujigaoka Workshop. Abstract: p.38. (2003/8/26-27, Sapporo, Japan.) | |
3 | Uemura, M.; Tominaga, Y.; Nakagawara, C. and Kawamura, Y.(2003) Role of plasma membrane proteins in cold acclimation of Arabidopsis thaliana. 1st Hitsujigaoka Workshop. Abstract: p.16. (2003/8/26-27, Sapporo, Japan.) | |
2 | Tominaga, Y.; Nakagawara, C.; Kawamura, Y. and Uemura, M.(2003) Functional analysis of the genes encoding cold-acclimation-responsive plasma membrane proteins in Arabidopsis thaliana. Plant Biology 2003. Abstract: p.205. (2003/7/26-30, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA.) | |
1 | Tanaka, N.; Handa, H.; Murayama, S.; Uemura, M.; Kawamura, Y.; Mitsui, T. and Mikami, S.(2003) Proteomics of organelles from rice cell: step towards a functional analysis of the rice genome. PAG Xl Meeting. (2003/1/11-15, San Diego, California, USA.) | |
2003 | 4 | Kawamura, Y. and Uemura, M.(2002) Mass spectroscopic identification of plasma membrane proteins in Arabidopsis thaliana that change during 1 week of cold acclimation. Plant Biology 2002. Abstract #11002. (2002/8/3-7, Denver, Co, USA.) |
3 | Kawamura, Y. and Uemura, M.(2002) Mass spectroscopic identification of plasma membrane proteins in Arabidopsis thaliana that change within 1week of cold acclimation. Plant Biology 2002. Abstract #642. (2002/8/3-7, Denver, Co, USA.) | |
2 | Tanaka, D.; Niino, T.; Isuzugawa, K.; Hikage, T. and Uemura, M.(2002) Cryopreservation of in vitro grown apical shoot tips of Gentiana by vitrification-based protocols. 39th Meeting of the Society for Cryobiology. Cryobiology, 45: 268. (2002/7/27-8/1, Breckenridge, Co, USA.) | |
1 | Niino, T.; Tanaka, D.; Ichikawa, S.; Takano, J.; Ivette, S.; Shirata, K. and Uemura, M.(2002) Cryopreservation of in vitro grown apical shoot tips of strawberry by vitrification: technical key factors enhancing survival rate. 39th Meeting of the Society for Cryobiology. Cryobiology, 45: 267. (2002/7/27-8/1, Breckenridge, Co, USA.) | |
2001 | 7 | Koide, S.; Shibuya, K.; Nishiyama, Y. and Uemura, M.(2001) Cell viability of Japanese radish cylinders immersed in hypertonic solutions. 3rd IFAC/CIGR Workshop on Control Applications in Post-harvest and Processing Technology. (2001/10/3-5, Tokyo, Japan.) |
6 | Kawamura, Y;; Shouji, S. and Uemura, M.(2001) Alterations in Arabidopsis thaliana during the early stage of cold acclimation. The 38th Meeting of the Society for Cryobiology. Abstract book: p.206. (2001/7/29-8/1, Edinburgh, UK) | |
5 | Uemura, M. and Ito, K.(2001) Identification and analysis of plasma membrane proteins isolated from rice leaves (Oryza sativa). Plant Biology 2001. Abstract book: p.658. (2001/7/21-25, Providence, Rhode Island, USA.) | |
4 | Ito, K.; Onda, Y.; Kawai, S. and Uemura, M.(2001) Sensing of temperature changes and oscillatory thermoregulation in the spadix of skunk cabbage (Symplocarpus foetidus). Plant Biology 2001. Abstract book: p369. (2001/7/21-25, Providence, Rhode Island, USA.) | |
3 | Ito, K. and Uemura, M.(2001) Sensing of temperature changes and oscillatory thermoregulation in the spadix of skunk cabbage (Symplocarpus foetidus). Plant Biology 2001. Abstract book: p13. (2001/7/21-25, Providence, Rhode Island, USA.) | |
2 | Kawamura, Y. and Uemura, M.(2001) Changes of the plasma membrane from Arabidopsis thaliana within 1week of cold acclimation. The 6th International Plant Cold Hardiness Seminar. Abstract book: p.47. (2001/6/30-7/5, Helsinki, Finland.) | |
1 | Ito, K.; Onda, Y.; Kawai, S. and Uemura, M.(2001) Temperature-triggered periodical thermogenic oscillations in skunk cabbage. Gordon Research Conference on Temperature Stress in Plants. (2001/1/28-2/2, Ventura, USA.) | |
2000 | 4 | Ito, K. and Uemura, M.(2000) Characterization of two novel isoforms of Symplocarpus uncoupling proteins in yeast heterologous expression system. Plant Biology 2000. Abstract No.817. (2000/7/15-19, San Diego, USA.) |
3 | Ito, K. and Uemura, M.(2000) Two novel cold-inducible genes encoding plant uncoupling proteins from the spadix of skunk cabbage (Symplocarpus foetidus). Plant Biology 2000. Abstract No.816. (2000/7/15-19, San Diego, USA.) | |
2 | Ito, K. and Uemura, M.(2000) Assessment of uncoupling activities of Symplocarpus uncoupling proteins using a yeast heterologous expression system. Plant Cell Physiol. 41: s141. | |
1 | Ito, K. and Uemura, M.(2000) Identification and functional characterization of two isoforms of plant uncoupling proteins in thermogenic skunk cabbage. New Frontiers in Plant Science and Plant Biotechnology. (2000/3/5-9, Toulouse, France.) |
○Recive | ||
2002 | 1 | Tanaka, D.; Niino, T.; Isuzugawa, K.; Hikage, T.; Uemura, M.(2002) 2nd Best Poster Award Cryo92. (Brookenridge, USA.) |