


  • Sillapakong, P., Yamamoto, H., Mangetsu, M., Noda, S., Kondo, H., Kofujita, H., Miura, M., Naganuma, A., Tatsumi, M., Wakabayashi, T., Suzuki, K.
    "Morus alba leaf extract increases lifespan in the model organism Caenorhabditis elegans."
    Journal of Insect Biotechnology and Sericology 80, 89-92, (2011)

  • 大橋真吾、松原和衛、出口善隆、小藤田久義、辻本恒徳、高瀬力男、村上卓男
    "ニホンジカとの列車衝突事故防止に関する研究-ライオン(Panthera leo)排泄物由来忌避剤の可能性-"
    哺乳類科学. 51: 164. (2011)


  • Masao Miyazaki, Tamako Miyazaki, Mari Toyonaga, Toshihiko Tsustui, Tetsuro yamashita, Roger A Laine, Akemi Suzuki
    "Flehmen response, an instinctive behaviour observed in the domestic cat(oral)"
    Chemical Signals in Vertebrates 12th;Berlin, Germany, August, 28-31, 2011

  • Takashi Nishimura, Wataru Hojo, Tamako Miyazaki, Roger A Laine, Tetsuro Yamashita and Masao Miyazaki
    "Urinary lipids can be used as attractants of Felidae species(poster)"
    Chemical Signals in Vertebrates 12th;Berlin, Germany, August, 28-31, 2011

  • 大橋真吾、小藤田久義、出口善隆、西村貴志、辻本恒徳、小松 守、齋藤憲弥、松原和衛
    日本哺乳類学会2011年度大会プログラム・講演要旨集: 210.



  • 中野 敦行,長山 優,佐々木 誠,山口 昌樹
    アロマテラピー学雑誌,Vol. 12, No.1 (2012) 34-40

  • M Yamaguchi and H Nishimiya
    "Noninvasive Evaluation of the Chronic Influence of Local Air Velocity from an Air Conditioner using Salivary Cortisol and Skin Caspase-14 as Biomarkers of Psychosomatic and Environmental Stress"
    The Journal of International Medical Research, Vol.40, No.4 (2012) 1429-1437

  • Yoshida, K., Hirotsu, T., Tagawa, T., Oda, S., Wakabayashi, T. Iino, Y., Ishihara, T.
    "Odor concentration-dependent olfactory preference change in C. elegans."
    Nature Communications 3, 739 (2012)

  • Nishi, C., Takase, R., Murakami, T., Kofujita, H., Matsubara, K. and Deguchi1, Y.
    "The actual condition of train collisions with large mammals in North Tohoku region."
    Anim. Behav. Manag. 48: inpress.(2012)


  • Masao Miyazaki, Wataru Hojo, Takashi Nishimura, Tamako Miyazaki, Roger A Laine, Akemi Suzuki and Tetsuro Yamashita
    "The chemosensory system for flehmen response in the domestic cat(poster)"
    XVI International Symposium on Olfaction and Taste;Stockholm, Sweden, June, 23-27, 2012

  • Wataru Hojo, Masao Miyazaki, Takashi Nishimura, Nobuaki Nakamuta and Tetsuro Yamashita
    "The tissue distribution of a putative pheromone precursor, felinine and its precursor, 3- methylbutanol-glutathione, in the domestic cat(poster)"
    XVI International Symposium on Olfaction and Taste;Stockholm, Sweden, June, 23-27, 2012

  • A. Kobayashi, H. Hiraoka, and M.Yamaguchi
    "Capacitive Gas-bubble Sensor for Solid Oxide Fuel Cell, Proceedings of the 14th International Meeting on Chemical Sensors"
    P1.9.6 (May, 2012) 1169-1172, Nuremberg, Germany, USB, DOI 10.5162/IMCS2012/P1.9.6

  • 西千秋、大橋真吾、宮崎雅雄、山下哲郎、斎藤憲弥、小松守、辻本恒徳、出口善隆、小藤田久義、松原和衛
    日本哺乳類学会2012年度大会プログラム・講演要旨: 70.