概要 アクセス 職員 学生
研究業績 発行物 イベント情報 担当講義科目
掲示板 サイトマップ リンク お問い合わせ

>平成18年 [ ←BACK(平成17年) | 平成18年 | NEXT(平成19年)→ ]

1 Takahashi, M.; Hikage, T.; Yamashita, T.; Saitoh, Y.; Endou, M. and Tsutsumi, K. (2006)
Stress-Related Proteins Are Specifically Expressed under Non-Stress Conditions in the Overwinter Buds of the Gentian Plant Gentiana triflora.
Breeding Science, 56:39-46. (Summary
2 Shimotai, Y.; Minami, H; Saitoh, Y.; Onodera, Y.; Mishima, Y.; Kelm Jr. R. J. and Tsutsumi, K.(2006)
A binding site for Pura and Purb is structurally unstable and is required for replication in vivo from the rat aldolase B origin.
Biochem, Biophys. Res. Commun., 340: 517-525. (published online December 20, 2005)  (Summary
3 Matsukawa, K.; Ogata, M.; Hikage, T.; Minami, H.; Shimotai, Y.; Saitoh, Y.; Yamashita, T.; Ouchi, A.; Tsutsumi, R.; Fujioka, T. and Tsutsumi, K. (2006)
Antiproliferative activity of root extract from gentian plant (Gentiana triflora) on cultured and implanted tumor cells.
Biosci. Biotech. Biochem., in press. (Summary
4 Yoshino, M.; Nagamatsu, A.; Tsutsumi, K. and Kanazawa, A. (2006)
The regulatory function of the upstream sequence of the?β-conglycininα-subunit gene in seed-specific transcription is associated with the presence of RY sequence.
Genes & Genetic Systems, in press. (Summary
5 安永千秋, 豊坂加奈, 辻本恒徳, 斎藤靖史, 大澤健司, 三宅陽一(2006)
野生動物医学会誌, Vol. 11: 43-48.
6 Ito, K., Matsukawa, K. and Kato, Y.(2006)
Functional analysis of skunk cabbage SfUCPB, a unique uncoupling protein lacking the fifth transmembrane domain, in yeast cells.
Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun., 349: 383-390.  <Summary
7 Uemura, M., Y. Tominaga, C. Nakagawara, S. Shigematsu, A. Minami and Y. Kawamura(2006)
Responses of the plasma membrane to low temperatures.
Physiologia Plantarum,126:81-89.
8 Koide, S. and M. Uemura (2006)
Cryomicroscopic observations of vegetable tissues following an immersion in a sugar solution.
Journal of the Japanese Society of Agricultural Machinery ,68:136-139
9 吉田登, 岩本渉, 吉田啓記, 松原和衛, 斎藤靖史, 御領政信, 小松繁樹, 高橋寿太郎, 萱野裕是(2006)
東北畜産学会報 ,56:21-26
10 Kidou, S.,Oikawa, A.,Sasaki, N.,Yasuda, H.,Yamashita, T.,Koiwa, H.,Kato, K. and Ejiri, S. (2006)
Identification of a 23kDa protein (P23k) related to the sugar supply in germinating barley seeds.
Plant Biothechnology 23: 357-364
11 Y.M.M. Moustafa, Yui,S., Uemura M., (2006)
Chilling tolerance and field performance of an F1 cooking tomato cultivar, Nitaki-Koma, relative to its parents.
Breeding Science ,56:269-276
12 Minami,H., Takahashi,J., Suto,A., Saitoh,Y., and Tsutsumi K. (2006)
Binding of AlF-C, an Orc1-binding transcriptional regulator, enhances replicator activity of the rat aldolase B origin.
Molecular and Cellular Biology ,26(23):8770-8780

1 伊藤孝徳, 伊東靖子, 伊藤菊一(2006) ザゼンソウの発熱制御システム.
化学と生物 44, 225-232.
2 Seymour, R. S. and Ito, K. (2006)
Temperature regulation by thermogenic flowers.
Plant Physiology, Fourth edition by Lincoln Taiz and Eduardo Zeiger.   (詳細
3 広間達夫、坂本賢一、鳥巣 諒、伊藤菊一、松尾隆明(2006)
RBFネットワークを用いた発熱植物の発熱機構の解析 −ハスの花托部の発熱予測モデル−
農業機械学会東北支部報 ,53:19-22
4 原 道宏、鳥巣 諒、伊藤菊一(2006)
計測自動制御学会東北支部第233会研究集会 ,233(9):1-6
5 Chen,T.H.H., M. Uemura and S. Fujikawa (eds) (2006)
Cold Hardiness in Plants: Molecular Genetics, Cell Biology and Physiology.
CABI Publishing, Oxfordshire.
6 Tominaga, Y., C. Nakagawara, Y. Kawamura and M. Uemura (2006)
Effect of plasma membrane-associated proteins on acquisition of freezing tolerance in Arabidopsis thaliana. In: Cold Hardiness in Plants: Molecular Genetics, Cell Biology and Physiology, T.H.H. Chen, M. Uemura, S. Fujikawa, eds.
CABI Publishing, Oxfordshire, pp. 235-249.
7 重松智美、富永陽子、上村松生.(2006)
低温生物工学会誌 52: 175-180.
8 河村幸男、山崎誠和、上村松生.(2006)
低温生物工学会誌 52: 169-173.

1 Moustafa, Y. and M. Uemura(2006)
Physiological and molecular responses of cultivated and wild tomato plants under chilling stress.
International Symposium on Tomato Genome Research in Tsukuba(2006/2/4-5, Tsukuba, Japan)
2 上村松生(2006)
第5回岩手ゲノムサイエンス研究会. (2006/2/18, 盛岡)
3 助川絵理、江尻愼一郎、木藤新一郎(2006)
第47回日本植物生理学会年会. 講演要旨集:276.  (2006/3/19-21, つくば)
4 及川愛、木藤新一郎(2006)
第47回日本植物生理学会年会. 講演要旨集:276.  (2006/3/19-21, つくば)
5 桜井淳子, 水谷政博, 石川文義, 村井麻理, 上村松生, 前島正義(2006)
日本植物生理学会2006年度年会(2006/3/19-21, つくば)
6 佐々木裕, 高橋和恵, 大野陽子, 関原明, 篠崎一雄, 上村松生(2006)
日本植物生理学会2006年度年会(2006/3/19-21, つくば)
7 南杏鶴, 河村幸男, 上村松生(2006)
日本植物生理学会2006年度年会(2006/3/19-21, つくば)
8 長尾学, 上村松生(2006)
陸上植物に近縁な緑藻Klebsormidium flaccidumの低温馴化過程における細胞構造変化と適合溶質の蓄積.
日本植物生理学会2006年度年会(2006/3/19-21, つくば)
9 Minami, A., Y. Kawamura and M. Uemura(2006)
Expression analysis of proteins localized in detergent-resistant plasma membrane microdomains in association with plant cold acclimation.
Keystone Symposium on Lipid Rafts and Cell Function(2006/3/23-28, Steamboat Springs, Colorado, USA)
10 高橋正、小澤隆二、松井義樹、木藤新一郎、平秀晴、山下哲郎(2006)
日本農芸化学会2006年度大会. 講演要旨集:287.  (2006/3/25-28, 京都)
11 伊東靖子,加藤喜明,大塚稔,恩田義彦,松川和重,伊藤菊一(2006)
日本農芸化学会2006年度大会(2006/3/25-28, 京都)
12 及川愛、山崎誠和、木藤新一郎(2006)
日本育種学会第109回講演会. 育種学研究:98.  (2006/3/28-30, 東京)
13 耳田直純、木藤新一郎、古藤田信博(2006)
園芸学会2006年度春期大会.  (2006/3/29-30, 千葉)
14 高橋正、小澤隆二、松井義樹、木藤新一郎、平秀晴、山下哲郎(2006)
カイコ後部絹糸腺におけるタンパク質の品質管理機構の解析  日本蚕糸学会第76回大会 講演要旨集:69. (2006/3/30-31 京都)
15 河村幸男, 山崎誠和, 上村松生(2006)
第52回低温生物工学会年会(2006/5/26-27, 福岡)
16 重松智美, 富永陽子, 上村松生(2006)
第52回低温生物工学会年会(2006/5/26-27, 福岡)
17 Ito, Y., Kato, Y., and Ito, K. (2006)
SfUCPB, a novel uncoupling protein localized in the inner mitochondrial membrane confers uncoupling properties to thermogenic spadix of skunk cabbage.
20th IUBMB International Congress of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology. (2006/6/18-6/23, Kyoto, Japan)
18 Matsukawa, K., and Ito, K. (2006)
Alternative oxidase from thermogenic skunk cabbage (Symplocarpus foetidus) alleviates antimycin A-impaired mitochondrial membrane potential and ROS production in human cells.
20th IUBMB International Congress of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology. (2006/6/18-6/23, Kyoto, Japan)
19 Ito, T., Osada, H. and Ito, K. (2006)
Nonlinear dynamics for thermoregulation system in the spadix of skunk cabbage, Symplocarpus foetidus.
20th IUBMB International Congress of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology. (2006/6/18-6/23, Kyoto, Japan)
20 Ito, Y., Kato, Y., and Ito, K. (2006)
SfUCPB, a novel mitochondrial inner membrane protein with high expression in thermogenic spadix of skunk cabbage, Symplocarpus foetidus.
8th International Congress of Plant Molecular Biology. (2006/8/20-8/25, Adelaide, Australia)
21 Matsukawa, K. and Ito, K. (2006)
Alternative oxidase alleviates antimycin A-induced effects on mitochondrial membrane potential and ROS production in human cells.
8th International Congress of Plant Molecular Biology. (2006/8/20-8/25, Adelaide, Australia)
22 Ito, T. and Osada, H. and Ito, K. (2006)
Modeling of thermoregulation in the spadix of skunk cabbage, Symplocarpus foetidus.
8th International Congress of Plant Molecular Biology. (2006/8/20-8/25, Adelaide, Australia)
23 Onda, Y., Kato, Y. and Ito, K. (2006)
Ambient temperature-independent expression of AOX and UCPb genes in the homeothermic spadix of skunk cabbage, Symplocarpus foetidus.
8th International Congress of Plant Molecular Biology. (2006/8/20-8/25, Adelaide, Australia)
24 Minami, H., Takahashi, J., Saitoh, Y. and Tsutsumi, K.(2006)
The rat AldB replicator requires association of Orc1-binding protein with specific origin sequence.
20th IUBMB International Congress of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology. (2006/6/18〜23, 京都)
25 Minami, H., Takahashi, J., Saitoh, Y. and Tsutsumi, K.(2006)
The rat AldB replicator requires association of Orc1-binding protein with specific origin sequence.
20th IUBMB International Congress of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology. (2006/6/18〜23, 京都)
26 Simotai, Y., Saitoh, Y. and Tsutsumi, K(2006)
Involvement of Pur α and β in replication initiation in vivo at the rat aldolase B origin.
20th IUBMB International Congress of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology. (2006/6/18〜23, 京都)
27 Saitoh, Y. and Tsutsumi, K.(2006)
Rat Orc1 localizes to centrosomes during mitosis.
20th IUBMB International Congress of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology. (2006/6/18〜23, 京都)
28 Mizutani, M., Tsutsumi, K. and Saitoh, Y.(2006)
Identification of cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitors in rice.
The Iwate Plant Science Symposium 2006. (2006/10/18〜19, 盛岡)
29 水谷征法, 堤賢一, 斎藤靖史(2006)
イネcyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor(CKI)遺伝子の同定・発現解析
日本分子生物学会2006フォーラム「分子生物学の未来」. (2006/12/6〜8, 名古屋)
30 Shibasaki, K., Oikawa, A. and Kidou, S.(2006)
Identification of a novel barley 23kDa protein (P23k) related to the sugar supply in germinating seeds.
20th IUBMB International Congress of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology and 11th FAOBMB Congress. (2006/6/18〜23, 京都)
31 Oikawa, A. and Kidou, S.(2006)
P23k relates to the sugar supply at various developmental stages in barley.
20th IUBMB International Congress of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology and 11th FAOBMB Congress. (2006/6/18〜23, 京都)
32 古藤田信博, 鈴木基子, 耳田直純, 木藤新一郎, 伊ヶ崎知弘, 西口浩, 岩波宏, 高橋左栄, 森谷茂樹, 阿部和幸(2006)
リンゴMdFT (Malus x domestica FT) およびMdSOC1 (Malus x domestica SOC1) 遺伝子の機能解析.
日本育種学会第110回講演会. (2006/9/22〜24, 愛媛)
33 Minami, A., Yamazaki, T., Kawamura, Y., Furuto, A. and Uemura, M.(2006)
Involvement of plasma membrane microdomains in plant freezing tolerance.
43rd Meeting of the Society for Cryobiology. (2006/7/24〜27,Humburg,Germany)
34 Minami, A., Shigematsu, S., Furuto, A., Tominaga, Y., Yamazaki, T., Kawamura, Y. and Uemura, M. (2006)
Arabidopsis plasma membrane dynamically changes in association with cold acclimation.
Plant Biology 2006. (2006/8/5〜9, Boston, USA)
35 Kawamura, Y., Yamazaki, T. and Uemura, M. (2006)
Enhanced freezing tolerance is dependent on the extracellular calcium during freezing.
Plant Biology 2006. (2006/8/5〜9,Boston,USA)
36 Yamazaki, T., Kawamura, Y. and Uemura. M.(2006)
Behavior of plasma membrane upon freezing stress is dependent on extracellular Ca2+ concentration in cold- acclimated plant cell.
Plant Biology 2006. (2006/8/5〜9,Boston,USA)
37 Minami, A., Shigematsu, S., Furuto, A., Tominaga, Y., Yamazaki, T., Kawamura, Y. and Uemura, M.(2006)
Dynamic changes in the Arabidopsis plasma membrane associated with cold acclimation.
Plant Biology 2006. (2006/8/5〜9,Boston,USA)
38 高橋賢, 遠藤雄大, 太田康史, 伊藤正樹, 千葉茂樹, 伊藤孝徳, 伊藤菊一, 長田洋 (2006)
第67回応用物理学会学術講演会. (2006/8/29〜9/1, 草津)
39 遠藤雄大, 高橋賢, 伊藤正樹, 太田康史, 千葉茂樹, 伊藤孝徳, 伊藤菊一, 長田洋(2006)
平成18年度電気関係学会東北支部連合大会. (2006/8/31〜9/1, 秋田)
40 Yamazaki, T., Kawamura, Y. and Uemura, M.(2006)
Dynamics of the plasma membrane upon freezing stress in Arabidopsis thaliana.
16th International Microscopy Congress. (2006/9/3〜8,札幌)
41 Ito, T., Osada, H. and Ito, K.(2006)
Chaotic thermoregulation in the spadix of skunk cabbage, Symplocarpus foetidus.
7th International Conference on Systems Biology. (2006/10/8〜13, 横浜)
42 Uemura, M., Minami, A., Shigematsu, S., Furuto, A., Yamazaki, T. and Kawamura, Y. (2006)
Functional and structural involvement of plasma membrane proteins in plant cold tolerance.
Iwate Plant Science Symposium 2006. (2006/10/18〜19, 盛岡)
43 Minami, A. and Uemura, M.(2006)
Are detergent-resistant plasma membrane microdomains associated with plant cold acclimation?
Iwate Plant Science Symposium 2006. (2006/10/18〜19, 盛岡)
44 Nagao, M. and Uemura, M.(2006)
Cloning of sucrose phosphate phosphatase gene from green alga Klebsormidium flaccidum associated with cold acclimation.
Iwate Plant Science Symposium 2006. (2006/10/18〜19, 盛岡)
45 Sakurai, J., Murai, M., Maeshima, M. and Uemura, M.(2006)
Distribution of rice aquaporin members in organs and tissues.
Iwate Plant Science Symposium 2006. (2006/10/18〜19, 盛岡)
46 Sasaki, Y. and Uemura, M.(2006)
Characterization of cold acclimation process in Arabidopsis suspension cultured cells: relationship between cell cycle and cold acclimation process.
Iwate Plant Science Symposium 2006. (2006/10/18〜19, 盛岡)
47 Takata, N., Nanjo, T., Shinohara, K. and Uemura, M.(2006)
Genomic approach to central oscillator of circadian clock in Populus nigra.
Iwate Plant Science Symposium 2006. (2006/10/18〜19, 盛岡)
48 Yamazaki, T., Kawamura, Y. and Uemura, M.(2006)
Dynamics of the plasma membrane upon freezing stress in protoplasts isolated from Arabidopsis thaliana.
Iwate Plant Science Symposium 2006. (2006/10/18〜19, 盛岡)
49 Ito, Y. and Ito, K.(2006)
Functional and structural analyses of uncoupling protein (UCP) involved in the thermogenesis of skunk cabbage (Symplocarpus foetidus).
Iwate Plant Science Symposium 2006. (2006/10/18〜19, 盛岡)
50 Ito, T., Takahashi, K., Endo, T., Chiba, S., Ito, K. and Osada, H.(2006)
The temperature-control system in skunk cabbage, Symplocarpus foetidus.
Iwate Plant Science Symposium 2006. (2006/10/18〜19, 盛岡)
51 Matsukawa, K., Ito, T., Ito, Y., Morohashi, M., Ichikawa, M., Ito, Y., Onda, Y. and Ito, K.(2006)
Temperature monitoring by skunk cabbage: mitochondria isolated from thermogenic florets act as a thermal sensor that responds to the cooling rate, but not to the absolute temperature.
Iwate Plant Science Symposium 2006. (2006/10/18〜19, 盛岡)
52 Onda, Y., Kato, Y., Ito, Y., Morohashi, M., Ito, Y., Ichikawa, M., Matsukawa, K. and Ito, K.(2006)
Pyruvate is an effect activator of mitochondrial respiration in skunk cabbage, Symplocarpus foetidus.
Iwate Plant Science Symposium 2006. (2006/10/18〜19, 盛岡)
53 上村松生(2006)
平成18年度日本農業気象学会東北支部大会シンポジウム. (2006/11/10, 盛岡)
54 伊藤菊一(2006)
平成18年度日本農業気象学会東北支部大会シンポジウム. (2006/11/10, 盛岡)
55 上村松生(2006)
第2回シンポジウム「植物プロテオーム研究の最前線」(2006/11/17, つくば)
56 伊藤菊一(2006)
第2回事業化可能性試験(FS)成果報告会. (2006/11/21, 仙台)
57 上村松生(2006)
第33回日本低温医学会総会リレーシンポジウム. (2006/11/23〜24, 東京)
58 原道宏、鳥巣諒、伊藤菊一(2006)
計測自動制御学会東北支部 第 233 回研究集会.(2006/12/18, 仙台)

1 伊藤菊一(2006)
研究成果プレゼンセミナー. (2006/1/23, 北上)
2 伊藤菊一(2006)
第5回イーハートーブ研究会,(2006/1/31, 盛岡)
3 伊藤 菊一(2006)
ザゼンソウの世界 −発熱する植物の不思議−
※出前講義 (2006/2/17, 岩手県立一関第一高等学校, 一関)
4 上村 松生(2006)
5 上村松生(2006)
名古屋大学遺伝子実験施設セミナー(2006/3/3, 名古屋)
6 伊藤菊一(2006)
ざぜん草まつり 記念講演会(2006/03/18, 北上市藤根公民館)
7 伊藤 菊一(2006)
岩手大学新技術説明会in 大阪(2006年2月23日 大阪)
8 伊藤 菊一(2006)
白馬ざぜん草まつり 講演会(2006年4月9日 白馬)
9 伊藤 菊一(2006)
植物の不思議 −ザゼンソウの体温調節のしくみ−
盛岡市見前地区公民館 成人教育(2006年4月25日 盛岡)
10 伊藤 菊一(2006)
11 上村 松生(2006)
日本アイソトープ協会滝沢研究所施設公開講演会(2006年9月10日, 滝沢)
12 上村 松生(2006)
13 Matsuo Uemura(2006)
Plasma membrane & plant freezing tolerance: existence of microdomains responding to cold treatment
Cutting Edge Seminar, Plant Science Center, Umea University (Sweden)(2006年10月26日)

1 伊藤 菊一(2006)
特許出願, 出願番号 : 特願2006-75315

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